What foods stop you from gaining weight?
The levels of your thyroid hormones – known as hypothyroidism or
hyperthyroidism – indicate the effect on your metabolism. These levels are
measured with your labs (blood tests). The blood tests will generally have
the same name as the hormone they are measuring. For T3 and T4, there are
“total” tests and “free” tests, such as Total T4 and Free T4. The “free”
tests measure the levels of the hormone not bound to protein because these
bound hormones aren’t usable by the body. If you have thyroid cancer, your
doctor may also monitor your thyroglobulin. Thyroglobulin is a storage
form of thyroid hormones only made by thyroid cells. After total
thyroidectomy and other treatment, it should stay the same or decrease.
An increase in thyroglobulin may mean there are still cancer cells in your
body. Always talk to your doctor about your labs.
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